I believe in the power of wonder for sustainable change.

I'm Sarah Pirie-Nally Founder and CEO of She Evolves, and I'm on a mission to inspire transformational change and help individuals design better lives for themselves and future generations. My journey began with an unexpected double decade in corporate Australia, where I emerged as a passionate advocate for innovation and design.

I've had a Trailblazing Career: My corporate experience led me to the roles of Head of Innovation, Head of Change and Chief Design Officer, where I found my calling in innovation and design. This accidental decade opened my eyes to the incredible power of the human mind.

Business Woman: But I'm more than just a corporate professional. I'm also a serial entrepreneur driven by my commitment to innovation and creativity. I've co-founded a series of remarkable events and communities, including:

'Wired for Wonder': Australia's most innovative event series.'Nurture Her': A business retreat dedicated to nurturing female leadership.'Sienna Baby': A baby shoe business that combines style and function.'Wonder and Wander': An Innovation and Design Agency.'Island in a Box': A Destination Event Production business.

Harnessing the Power of Design: My expertise covers various areas, including design leadership, change innovation, creative direction, experience design, appreciative inquiry, coaching, lean/six sigma, neuropsychology, behavioural science and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). I'm deeply committed to using innovative design to drive sustainable change and empower human potential.

Unlocking the Wonder Mindset: My mission is clear: I want to help people unlock their wonder mindset. By doing so, I believe we can become more productive, efficient, happy, conscious, engaged, and creative in all aspects of life. At the heart of my work, I weave the golden thread of opening minds for transformational change. My vision extends beyond the present, aiming to create a better future for us and the generations to come.

Join me on this journey to harness the power of the mind, drive innovation, and shape a world where wonder and creativity flourish.


Founded by the unstoppable force that is Sarah Pirie-Nally, She Evolves stands as her magnum opus among communities – and she makes sure everyone knows it's the crème de la crème. This remarkable endeavor marks her fourth foray into community-building, and trust me, she's not one to shy away from proclaiming its unrivaled greatness.

The genesis of She Evolves is as poignant as it is inspiring. Born on the very day her maternal grandmother, the indomitable Patricia Hay, left this mortal coil, this community serves as a living tribute to the relentless spirit and unyielding determination that defined her Nan's approach to crafting a life worth living.

Picture this: at the ripe age of 75, her Nan embarked on a journey of self-reinvention, steadfastly chasing her passions and embracing joy with an unwavering fervor that persisted until her last breath.

Fuelled by an unquenchable fire to bridge the chasm of wealth disparity, shatter the chains of inequality, and pave the way for a future where women don't just survive but thrive, the She Evolves community takes on a mantle larger than mere events or retreats. It's a congregation of trailblazers, united in their quest to engineer meaningful, enduring transformations.

The Branding is by her incredible, brave and courageous sister Katharine Turner, a beautiful collaboration of sisterhood, bringing together the energies of their shared childhood and quest for having it all.

You will see Sarah's children, her Mum, her Mother in Law, her sisters and friends woven through the rich design of this community, inclusion a powerful and important brick in the DNA.

So, in the grand tapestry of Sarah Pirie-Nally's endeavors, She Evolves reigns supreme – a living testament to her unapologetic pursuit of excellence and her Nan's legacy of relentless evolution.

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Empowering Women, Changing Lives:
Our Impact Story 2022/2023

We are thrilled to share the insights from our 2022-2023 Impact Report.Insights on the impact of the SHE EVOLVES community so far:

The community has attracted a diverse group of 144 women who have attended real-life experiences through Re:Treat events, spanning across ages 7 to 81 years. Additionally, 150 women have participated in online summits.

Online Community: The SHE EVOLVES online community has seen significant growth, with 857 women actively engaging. This includes 442 members on LinkedIn, 1,541 on Instagram, and a TikTok presence with over 2.5K likes.

Life Changes: A noteworthy 49.5% of the participants have reported experiencing a significant life change since joining the SHE EVOLVES community. This indicates that the community has had a positive impact on the personal development and transformation of its members. 100% of our members report some change in their life.

Supportive Environment: Testimonials from community members reflect a strong sense of love, support, and empowerment. The community is described as a powerful container for both personal and societal change, fostering deep friendships and a sense of belonging.

Friendship and Belonging: A remarkable 72.6% of the surveyed members have made new friends or felt a sense of belonging within the SHE EVOLVES community. The community's impact extends beyond networking and provides a next-level experience of connection and friendship.

These insights are based on a survey conducted in 2022 and 2023, and they highlight the positive influence of the SHE EVOLVES community in empowering women and fostering personal growth.

The community has attracted participants from various countries, including India, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and England.

Want to know more?

Book a call with our founder and see how we can collaborate to amplify this incredible impact!